Finishing Touches: Baseboard Heat Cover Endcaps

Cherry on top, icing on the cake . . . there are lots of ways for saying that things aren’t actually done until we’ve put on that last finishing touch.
The same goes for baseboard heater covers. The job’s not really done until you’ve completed your covers with the right accessories. Coupler and corner pieces play a big part in giving a baseboard heater cover a finished look, but no job is finished without the endcaps.
What Are Endcaps?
The endcap is the metal piece that covers each end and offers a smooth finish. We offer endcaps that fit each of our styles plus different setups for different baseboard heater layouts.
Open, Closed, Left, Right
Baseboarders® endcaps aren’t one size fits all. Each is specifically designed to fit different styles and situations. First, all our endcaps at Baseboarders® are made to fit a specific style. For instance, if you’re ordering the Basic style cover, be sure to order the Basic style endcaps since panels and accessories from different styles are not interchangeable. Our endcaps are left and right side specific so double check that you’ve ordered one of each per heater.
Additionally, some endcaps are open and some are closed to allow for different hot water pipe layouts. In some cases, the hot water pipes go right up to the wall or go through the wall to the next room. You’d need an open endcap or zero clearance endcap to accommodate for that. If your hot water pipes make a 90 degree turn into the floor or the wall, you can use a closed endcap to finish your baseboards.
A Study in Endcaps
The owners of this chic yet cozy home were ready to add baseboard heating. They hired the contractor to handle installation but needed a little direction when it came to the finishing touches. Placing baseboard heater covers is pretty straightforward in most cases, but when it came to this particular corner of the living room, things got a bit dicey.
The baseboard heater didn’t extend all the way to the end of the wall on either side and the homeowners weren’t quite sure how to negotiate the baseboard trim and heater cover so that it looked good. The Baseboarders team was ready to help out.
The homeowners sent in some pictures and measurements to get an expert opinion on the best way forward. We talked together about the measurements and asked for a few more before determining the right length of baseboard cover to make the end caps fit between the trim and the end of the heating elements.
Using our recommnedations, the owners were able to order the color they wanted in the Premium Baseboarders® style right from our website. They took the custom cuts option (no additional cost) to get perfectly fitting lengths.
About Custom Cuts
Our baseboard cover panels come in standard lengths of 2’ to 7’ depending on the style. They can easily be trimmed down on site to fit your specifications (watch a video for step by step instructions). Or we can cut them for you. When you order on our website, just add custom cut length needed for each panel before adding to cart.
Custom cut lengths are final sale so be sure to double check your measurements.
No baseboard heater cover update is complete without the right endcaps. Put a cherry on the top of your project.